Error message
Warning: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in drupal_environment_initialize() (line 692 of /home/rpgkn149/public_html/
Day Trippers
The time is shortly after the year 2100, the location is the first world. Massive megacorporations dominate the economic landscape and incredible advances in technology make the most miraculous...
An infinite number of bizarre experiences await your exploration, from Dream Worlds and Alternate Earths to distant planets in our universe and others! The Daytrippers Gamemasters Guide is a toolkit...
LESS LITTLE is an introductory DayTrippers adventure for beginning players. The story was created using the Mission Generation rules in the DayTrippers GameMasters Guide, and a literary source you...
VIDOME 123 is a DayTrippers module for two or more players, based on an adventure originally appearing in 'Beyond the Core . It is recommended that the party include at least one character with high...
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